The Liberal government has spent billions of dollars at home and abroad to fight global warming—or “climate change” as it is now officially called to account for every natural weather event and its opposite.
In order to lower greenhouse gas emissions, it has imposed taxes and countless regulations, it subsidizes inefficient and costly “green technology,” and it has blocked the development of oil and gas resources crucial to our prosperity.
It is an undisputed fact that the world’s climate has always changed and will continue to change. Until twelve thousand years ago, much of Canada was under ice, and it is thanks to natural climate change that we can live here today.
There is however no scientific consensus on the theory that CO2 produced by human activity is causing dangerous global warming today or will in the future, and that the world is facing environmental catastrophes unless these emissions are drastically reduced. Many renowned scientists continue to challenge this theory.
The policy debate about global warming is not grounded on science anymore. It has been hijacked by proponents of big government who are using crude propaganda techniques to impose their views. They publicly ridicule and harass anyone who expresses doubt. They make exaggerated claims to scare people. They even brainwash school children, many of whom now suffer from “eco-anxiety,” and believe the planet is doomed and they have no future.
A People's Party government will:
Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, abandon unrealistic greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, and stop sending billions of dollars to developing countries to help them reduce their emissions.
Abolish the taxes, regulations, subsidies, and programs adopted by the Liberal government to fight so-called climate change, and instead invest in adaptation strategies to protect Canadians against natural disasters such as floods and forest fires.
Prioritize implementing practical solutions to make Canada’s air, water and soil cleaner, including bringing clean drinking water to remote First Nations communities.
Impose a moratorium on new permanent residents for as many years as necessary until the housing crisis has cooled down, the negative economic impact of mass immigration has been neutralized, and the process of social and cultural disintegration due to mass immigration has been reversed; thereafter, substantially lower the number of permanent residents Canada accepts every year to between 100,000 and 150,000, depending on economic and other circumstances (see policy on Immigration).